Coaching and Educational Therapy


What is Educational Therapy?


Educational therapy is a collaborative and dynamic relationship that empowers students to overcome challenges they have had in life or in school, develop new strategies to achieving goals, ultimately positively affecting a student’s life in and out of school.

While educational therapy is focused on identifying past challenges or teaching an individual about how a learning disability or deficit affects them, coaching is about supporting a student to reach a goal that they have set for themselves.

We will collaboratively determine what is the best structure for coaching sessions after the initial consultation meeting.

If you happen to not be in Bend, online video chat or other options are available.

Timeframe, Frequency & Format


Typically, I see most student’s on a repeating, weekly basis at the same time each week. Standard sessions are 55 minutes long, but frequency or length can be adjusted based upon the needs of the student.

In certain situations I work with student’s on a non-repeating, as-needed basis; especially if it is regarding college navigation or consultation.

Most sessions typically happen at my office space in downtown Bend, on the corner of Wall and Portland Avenue. Additionally, they can be held outside, at a coffee shop or within a student’s home on special occasions. If you happen to not be in Bend, online video chat or other options are available.

Complexity, Collaboration & Intake


I understands that each student’s story and scenario is very complex, and that the parents can be the experts on each student’s strengths, goals and areas for improvement. Because of this, I typically find that parental involvement to be beneficial at various points within the coaching relationship and I ask that parents fill out a parental intake assessment to provide initial information about their student.

Students will also be asked to complete an intake form to provide basic information about themselves and their goals.


Given the high amount of variability of student need, many different factors are taken into account for the pricing of services. Factors include, length of sessions, need for follow-up accountability, and number of sessions per week. At this point I can’t bill insurance.

Coaching Opportunities

Please contact me to determine how to these areas of coaching, and others, can help you reach your goals.

  • Academic Support

  • Mentorship & Life Coaching

  • Academic Skill Building

  • ADHD Management

  • Online School/Learning Support

  • Learning Difference Management

  • Academic Performance

  • Anxiety and Depression

  • Executive Function

  • Time Management

  • Organization Skills

  • Study Skills and Test Prep

  • Tutoring

  • Parental collaboration/support

  • College Preparation

  • High Functioning ASD